Tuesday, November 4, 2008


When I moved to Michigan to be with my Lady Love, the main thrill was Lady Love ,of course--- I thought living in the country was an added bonus. Michigan is beautiful in the spring,green ,green, and more green. I had lived 28 years in Colorado which is more brown with bits of green so besides being in love,I was about to really learn about the country:

Having a good night 's sleep in the country is wonderful...as soon as you can get the bat hanging on the curtain to go outside.

The scenery on country roads is appreciated by so many people......your auto mechanic,the tire dealer, and body shops

Country living during the spring is nice....Mud doesn't fly.

Living in the country can be disconcerting..... like when you say "Honey, I'm home.and the family of mice living in the wall recognize your voice and answers with squeaks.

Country living during the spring rains is nice....Mosquitoes are all in seclusion.

Your open window offers you so many many nice things about the country....Fresh air and 20 thousand frogs making love.

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